Our Team
Assistant Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University (2022.09~Present )
Academic Activities
- Early Career Committee Member, International Metabolic Engineering Society at AIChE (2024~present)
- Early Career Advisory Board, ACS Synthetic Biology (2024~2025)
- Editorial Advisory Board, Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering (2023~2028)
- Editor, Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering (2023~present)
- Editorial Board of Synthetic Biology, Review Editor, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology (2022~present)
Education & Research Experience
Postdoc, BioProcess Research Laboratory, KAIST (2020.08~2022.08) with Prof. Sang Yup Lee
Ph.D., Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST (2015.03~2020.08) with Prof. Sang Yup Lee
B.S., Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, KAIST (2011.02~2015.02)
Representative Honors and Awards
- Miwon Young Scientist Award, 2023 KSIEC (2023.11.09)
- Shimadzu Future Leader Award, 2022 KSBMB (2022.05.25)
- Merck 350 Future Researcher Award, 2021 KSMCB (2021.11.05)
- Top Poster Award, International Metabolic Engineering Society (2021.07.15)
PhD Students
장민준(Chang, Minjun)
Integrated MS/PhD Program
B.S. Korea University, Dept. Chemical and Biological Engineering (2024.02)
minjun718 [at] korea.ac.kr
이시온 (Lee, Sion)
Integrated MS/PhD Program
B.S. Korea University, Dept. Chemical and Biological Engineering (2024.02)
sion6201 [at] korea.ac.kr
Ahmad Alkaff Husein
PhD Program
Hyundai Motor Chung Mong-Koo Scholarship Awardee (2024.09~2028.08)
B.S. Universitas Indonesia, Dept. Chemistry, Cum Laude (2015.07)
M.S. Universitas Indonesia, Dept. Chemical Science (2019.01)
Master's Students
육근수 (Yook, Geunsoo)
B.S. Soongsil University, Dept. Chemistry (2023.02)
ygs754321 [at] korea.ac.kr
김경원 (Kim, Kyoung Won)
Lab Head
B.S. Korea University, Dept. Food Bioscience and Technology (2023.08)
2018140427 [at] korea.ac.kr
심규빈 (Shim, Kyubin)
B.S. Konkuk University, Systems Biotechnology (2024.02)
shim2402 [at] korea.ac.kr
남지우 (Nam, Jiwoo)
B.S. Ajou University, Dept. Biological Science (2024.02)
namjw0809 [at] korea.ac.kr
이유나 (Lee, Yuna)
B.S. Ewha Womans University, Dept. Food Science & Biotechnology (2024.02)
yeslyn [at] korea.ac.kr
Academic Research Students
서지은 (Seo, Jieun)
Co-advisor: Dr. Dong-Wook Kwon (KIST)
2023/09~ (MS/PhD Integrated)
jieun58 [at] kist.re.kr
이지훈 (Lee, Ji Hun)
Co-advisor: Dr. Dong-Wook Kwon (KIST)
2024/09~ (MS/PhD Integrated)
jihun0310 [at] kist.re.kr
Undergraduate Students
한제신 (Han, Zexin)
3159955024 [at] korea.ac.kr
오준근 (Oh, Jun Geun)
ojk0719 [at] daum.net
이상헌 (Lee, Sang Heon)
ysh7800 [at] gmail.com
최형준 (Choi, Hyung Jun)
chlgduwns1 [at] naver.com
김진하 (Kim, Jin Ha)
taffyjina [at] naver.com
Visiting Researchers
Undergraduate Student Researchers
박희범 (Park, Hui Beom) : 2024/07~2024/11, Konkuk University, guing93 [at] naver.com
송수진 (Song, Su Jin) : 2023/09~2024/10, Korea University, dhe05061 [at] naver.com
이지윤 (Lee, Ji Yun) : 2024/03~2024/09, Korea University, ljy1382102 [at] korea.ac.kr
김윤서 (Kim, Yunseo) : 2024/01~2024/06, Korea University, afmjiys [at] korea.ac.kr
송지민 (Song, Jimin) : 2024/03~2024/06, Korea University, jims21 [at] naver.com
왕영위 (Wang, YingWei (Andy)) : 2023/03~2024/06, Korea University, hiyolu3285 [at] gmail.com
장민준 (Chang, Minjun) : 2022/09~2024/02, Korea University, minjun718 [at] korea.ac.kr – Currently PhD student in SynBEE Lab
이시온 (Lee, Sion) : 2023/09~2024/02, Korea University, sion6201 [at] naver.com – Currently PhD student in SynBEE Lab
남지우 (Nam, Jiwoo) : 2023/02~2024/02, Ajou University, namjw089 [at] gmail.com – Currently MS student in SynBEE Lab
심규빈 (Shim, Kyubin) : 2023/01~2024/02, Konkuk University, shim2402 [at] naver.com – Currently MS student in SynBEE Lab
윤현지 (Yoon, Hyun Ji) : 2023/07~2023/12, Korea University, 0729666 [at] korea.ac.kr
조연서 (Jo, Yeon Seo) : 2022/09~2023/12, Korea University, wendy922 [at] korea.ac.kr
안세준 (Ahn, Se Jun) : 2022/09~2023/12, Korea University, imo314 [at] korea.ac.kr
김경원 (Kim, Kyoung Won) : 2023/01~2023/06, Korea University, 2018140427 [at] korea.ac.kr – Currently MS student in SynBEE Lab
변희수 (Byun, Heesu) : 2023/01~2023/09, Korea University, bhs0904 [at] korea.ac.kr – Currently MS student at KAIST
이유나 (Lee, Yu Na) : 2023/01~2023/06, Ewha Women’s University, yeslyn [at] ewhain.net – Currently MS student in SynBEE Lab
정재현 (Jung, Jaehyun) : 2023/01~2023/02, Kyung Hee University, wpxk53 [at] khu.ac.kr
정상현 (Chung, Sang Hyun) : 2023/01~2023/02, Chung-Ang University, pbmi1227 [at] naver.com – Currently PhD student at KAIST
Visiting Researchers
Thiwanan Khamphong : 2023/04~2023/09, Radboud University, Netherlands, thiwanan.khamphong [at] ru.nl